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Rich Dad Poor Dad

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Think and Grow Rich is the number-one inspirational and motivational classic for individuals who are interested in furthering their lives and reaching their goals by learning from important figures in history. The text read in this audiobook is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie, and while it has often been reproduced, no updated version has ever been able to compete with the original. It has been used as a roadmap to achievement by countless individuals.

The 13 Steps to Riches described in this audiobook offer the shortest dependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life. It comes directly from the experiences of hundreds of America's most successful men.

Hill interviewed 504 people, including Ford, Wrigley, Wanamaker, Eastman, Rockefeller, Edison, Woolworth, Darrow, Burbank, Morgan, Firestone, and three United States presidents. The process of conducting these interviews required an investment of 20 years of Napoleon Hill's life.

This audiobook will guide many to success, and has sold millions of printed copies for nearly three quarters of a century. Yes, one can gather from the title that the starting place for wealth is in a person's thoughts - and this title is the source for most of today's motivational speakers. So why not go back to the original source?

3. The Law of Success: From the Master Mind to the Golden Rule (in Sixteen Lessons)

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Napoleon Hill is considered the forefather of the modern personal development movement and his motivational classic, Think and Grow Rich―the twentieth bestselling book of all-time―has inspired millions with its words and thoughts on discovering success and abundance within oneself. But, Think and Grow Rich was but a condensation of his true master work, The Law of Success.

Twenty years of research and writing after his first interview with Andrew Carnegie. Twenty years spent interviewing the most famous and successful men of his time, studying their habits, analyzing their methods and unlocking their secrets to success. First published in 1928 as an eight-book series, The Law of Success represents Hill’s complete philosophy of success and mind-power method―the original master key to personal achievement.

In this audiobook you will hear Hill’s complete explanation of his method, his philosophy, and his science of personal achievement―unabridged and unadorned with modern updates. Learn:

• The Principles of Self-Mastery―the master mind, definite aim, self-confidence, and the habit of saving
The Principles of Personal Power―initiative & leadership, imagination, enthusiasm, and self-control
The Principles of Self Creation―doing more than expected, a pleasing personality, accurate thinking, and concentration
The Principles of Integrity―cooperation, profiting by failure, tolerance, the golden rule, and universal law.

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